Friday, August 05, 2005

"Terr'ists," "Killers," What's next? "Mean people?"

Saw Bush from the ranch, swattin' at the 'squitos yesterday, Yee Haw! He was trying to say something Presidential (and tough) about the threats from the Number-2 kaeda-guy...
He got all flustered like usual when he attempts to pull a "nonscript*" . And, paraphrasing, he said,
"... these tay'rists, these killers... they wanna shake our will. Our freedom...!" Okay, PAUSE;

Anytime Junior generalizes/simplifies our enemy to the word "killers," I wonder what's gonna be next? Our Pres. at his podium(highchair) banging his plastic gun saying that: "I'm prezident, I want everyone to know that these "MEAN PEOPLE" will not be allowed to stay alive anymore..."??? (WOMP/WAMP?)

*Sources say "A nonscript" is what the staff refers to as unscripted news conferences(or any press-interaction), with Junior winging it. They run around, our sources told us, whispering "get Karl, he's gonna do a nonscript unless he has a statement..." I can see them all panicking. Hilarious and developing...


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