Friday, September 09, 2005

CNN's Cafferty gets it...

Via Eschaton, a great award-winning blog, "Atrios" posts the following clip fropm Jack Cafferty's comments on CNN. He seems to share much of my disgust with the BushCheney gutting of FEMA.

Somewhere along the way FEMA became a dumping ground for the president's political cronies with little experience in disaster relief. The agency's first director was Joe Albaugh. He was president Bush's 2000 campaign chairman. Albaugh brought in the current failure Michael Brown. His previous work was with Arabian horses. The number two guy, Brown's top deputy at FEMA, is a fellow named Patrick Rhode. He worked for the 2000 election campaign. The number 3 guy at FEMA is Brooks Altshuler. He used to work in the White House. His job was planning presidential trips. FEMA's long term recovery director is a guy named Scott Morris. He produced television and radio commercials for the Bush campaign. The federal agency charged with handling national emergencies is staffed at the very top by a bunch of political hacks with virtually no experience that qualifies them to respond to something like Katrina. But I digress.
Where are the qualifications of these people? None of these guys is qualified based on the stuff I'm reading, to head up an emergency management agency. One of these guys worked with Arabian horses, The rest are all off the campaign trial. Planned presidential trips. Produced TV commercials. Don't you need somebody at the top running the organization who has some semblance of an idea of what the hell is required when there's an emergency?

I would only add that these political hack LOSERS that were in charge of FEMA not only had no DISASTER-RELIEF experience, they also had NO MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE! Unbelievable!
Thanks Jack for cuttin' thru all the crap!!!
Later, Herb.


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