The Whole R-PARTY Is Quite Obviously COMPLETELY INSANE!
This lady OWED SOMEBODY... She's the most JUNIOR person with a chair in that room. She has ZERO-standing... And she slandered Jack Murtha, a respected Veteran and long-time Representative. That's why a couple-hundred people can be heard BOOING, and YELLING at HER to SIT DOWN, and "SHUT-UP!" (Hat-tip O'Reilley!) 'Twas all a-bit, House-Of-Commons-ish... She had to EAT HER WORDS IN THE END! See the (QuickTime)video-link (via Americablog). Thank God for all that Washington "Dignity," Herb.
YOu are a whack job Herb. She didn't freak that badly. You didn't take your medication today, did you?
Stop w/ the emails saying, "It's John Murtha, not Jack..." I know, but his close friends have called him "Jack" since at least the Nam-era. END Comment. Herb.
"Tbone:" Are you a republican-monkey? Did you VOTE for Jean Schmidt? Well, we still appreciate your (stupid) comments... And, we're all "primates," right! (?)
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