Maureen Dowd: Hand-typed excerpts from news-stand copy.
Another bullseye from The New York Times's inimitable great, MAUREEN DOWD...
[Picture(s) & emphasis added]:
Oh, and thanks anyways, Karl(traitor, liar, douche'bag), for your
worthless & WRONG advice on SECURITY. You're a self-serving liar, political-hack, and incompetent FAILURE! ...Later, Herb.
[Picture(s) & emphasis added]:
I don’t like the thought of Dick Cheney ogling my Googling.Jesus Christ Almighty! --Oh sorry, I was praying: If they wanna go off a cliff, maybe somehow the bus they're driving- won't!Because what I’m Googling, of course, is Dick Cheney. I have to constantly monitor how Vice Voyeur is pushing the federal government to constantly monitor millions of ordinary Americans’ phone calls, e-mail notes and Internet searches.
It was hard to know which story yesterday was scarier:
Osama bin Laden, still alive and taunting the U.S., or the Justice Department’s trying to force Google to turn over a suspiciously broad array of information on millions of users’ searches and Web addresses, supposedly to investigate online crime involving pornography.
None of the Bushies’ actions in defiance of law and convention, none of the money or blood spilled in Iraq, have helped these so-called tough guys get the one guy they really need to get. That is truly galling.:::
Cheney was torturing logic again in a speech to a conservative think tank in New York. “Some have suggested that by liberating Iraq from Saddam Hussein, we simply stirred up a hornets’ nest,” he said. “They overlook a fundamental fact: we were not in Iraq on Sept. 11, 2001, and the terrorists hit us anyway.”
Yeah, Dick, because they weren’t in Iraq, either.
Even F.B.I. agents feel as if they have been wasting their time rummaging through library cards and tracing numbers that turn out to be Pizza Huts.
The White House has always seemed less compelled to capture Osama than to use him as a pretext for invading Iraq and as a political selling point.Karl Rove, coming out of his “please don’t indict me” crouch, tried to chase away the taint of the Abramoff scandal with a new round of terror-mongering for 2006: “We need a commander in chief and a Congress who understand the nature of the threat and the gravity of this moment. President Bush and the Republican Party do. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for many Democrats.”
Oh, and thanks anyways, Karl(traitor, liar, douche'bag), for your
worthless & WRONG advice on SECURITY. You're a self-serving liar, political-hack, and incompetent FAILURE! ...Later, Herb.

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