More STEPHEN COLBERT... Interviewing Bill Kristol Re: P.N.A.C.

Recently on his show, Stephen Colbert, in his unique serious/sarcastic interviewing style, subtly ripped into Bill Kristol, about PNAC...
(Transcript via blog-comments, no link.)
Colbert: Speaking of thinking alike, you were a member, or are a member of the New Project for the American Century, correct?That's all I got. I happened to see it and it was good... Better than it reads. But, there you go, Herb.
Kristol: I am.
Colbert: Were or am, am?
Kristol: Were and am.
Colbert: How's that project coming?
Kristol: well. it's..(stammering)Colbert: How's the New
American Century?
Looks good to me!
Kristol: Ahh--I think...hehe yea--I'm speechless...Colbert: Really?
Kristol: Yea...we've sort of...the Project for the New American Century is just a few people..
Colbert: Come on, it’s a terrific New American Century, right?
Kristol: Well I think we do OK.
Colbert: You Rummy Wolfowitz, Cheney, Pearle, Feith, all you guys right?
Smacked DOWN
Bill Kristol:
Thanks for...
[yeah, it's me...]
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