"BUSH, CHENEY, & RUMSFELD... A CONFEDERACY OF DUNCES" Excerpts: A Buzzflash Editorial.
...(Y)ears from now historians will try to fathom how a small cadre of such arrogant, bumbling fools – with no combat experience – managed to nearly drive this nation into the ground.Thank you! Yes. Like I've said: "'outwitted by cave-men."
It is hard to imagine how we have arrived at a point where a triad of self-appointed "masters of the universe" could so ruinously mislead a nation and put the entire world order at risk.
Iraq is a deteriorating disaster. It was a mistaken misadventure that has costs thousands upon thousands of lives and hundreds of billions of dollars.
Meanwhile, the Republicans dare to run ads with Osama bin Laden – who Bush vowed to get dead or alive years ago, then claimed he didn’t think about him much, now implying again that he threatens America as much as Hitler did – to terrify the masses. Well, if Bush can’t get his man in five years, isn’t that a sign of Bush’s incompetence, rather than bin Laden’s prowess?
Or to put it another way, if bin Laden is such an enormous man of omnipotent powers that Bush cannot, after all this time, loss of life and billions of dollars defeat him, then doesn’t that mean bin Laden has outgamed Bush? Doesn’t that mean, we have a problem with leadership here in America and need a fresh start with more competent statesmen and military and intelligence strategists?"Outgamed," embarassed, taunted, and eluded Our tough-talking, shameless "leaders." Sheesh!!!
Bush continues to use his failure as a sign of the "enemy’s" prowess, when all it implies is Bush’s psychologically impaired inability to admit errors and his threadbare abilities to accomplish anything except demonizing the Democrats.
If Bush can’t beat a ragtag group of Islamic extremists funded by Bush’s pals the Saudis and educated for Jihad by the Saudi supported Wahhabbi sect of Islam, what the Hell is he doing occupying the White House?

There is barely a major military, political, or state department figure who – if speaking off the record (and often now on the record) – aren’t in open rebellion against the arrested development "confidence" of Bush in a NeverLand world that is like a Disneyland vision of Iraq. Only Cheney and Rumsfeld, backed into a corner of their own humiliation, persist in claiming that you shouldn’t believe your lying eyes. Their egos supercede the continuing loss of American and Iraqi lives – and the expenditure of hundreds of billions of dollars that could be used to improve our communities in America.*
America is being held hostage to the need for three men who never knew war to prove their virility, and overcompensate for their earlier failures in the Nixon/Ford White Houses (Cheney and Rumsfeld) and – in the case of Bush – to overcompensate for a life of being a privileged coward and borderline sadist (remember the glee with which he executed people in Texas).
Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld... a confederacy of dunces who continue to threaten the national security of t he United States and the stability of the world.
They have had five years to make a dent in defeating a splinter group of Islamic terrorists – and all they have managed to do – according to the unanimous opinion of their own intelligence agencies – is to increase the number of terrorists and the threat of terrorism to the United States.
...The Confederacy of Dunces should be relieved of their offices. But in the absence of that being imminently practical, people with fresh ideas and a respect for the Constitution should take over the Congress and hold these dangerous men accountable...

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