Saturday, May 05, 2007

George Bush Jr., the president, is an unqualified IDIOT!

From the WH website! [via Americablog]:
President Bush said the following, trying desperately to make a point about something...
"I talk to a lot of families who have got a loved one in Iraq or Afghanistan, or anywhere else in this global-war-on-terror, and they are in constant communication with their loved one. That's amazing, isn't it.(?) You've got a kid in Iraq who is emailing mom daily, talking about the realities of what he or she sees.

Information is moving -- you know, nightly news is one way, of course, but it's also moving through the blogosphere and through the Internets. It's amazing how many emails I see from people that are writing in what they think and what they hear..."
"The INTERNETS?" Jesus Christ...
Which ones? ...Oh, okay. (Daily reality checks?
If they work for "mom," perhaps the president should try them...)

Remember back: When the pundits thought he would be a good president, in 2000, because they said, "he's the kinda guy you'd wanna have a beer with..."?

No. He's not, Herb.


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