I'm sure it's just the tip of AN ICEBERG of Halliburton fraud (your taxes!) and deception. "F*CK YOUR RULES..."
...Halli' don't play that! [Dick Cheney comes to mind, again.]

...Halli' don't play that! [Dick Cheney comes to mind, again.]
Anthony Menendez, who was Halliburton's director of technical accounting research and training, has accused the world's second-largest oilfield-services company of using so- called bill-and-hold accounting and other undisclosed practices to "distort the timing of billions of dollars in revenue." In short, Menendez says this allowed Halliburton to book product sales improperly, before they occurred...FRAUD UPON THE NATION, IN A TIME-OF-WAR. NO INTEREST... A PREGNANT WHITE-LADY IN OHIO WAS KILLED BY HER BLACK EX-BOYFRIEND. YES, LIKE LACI & A NEGRO SCOTT PETERSON. WHOA! And Halliburton sneaks-past the media, like a weasel! Again, Herb. [Paris?]
Here's how Menendez, who reported to Halliburton's chief accounting officer, summed up the bill-and-hold issue in his complaint:
"(Halliburton routinely)
recognizes revenue when the goods are parked in company warehouses, rather than delivered to the customer. Typically, these goods are not even assembled and ready for the customer. (The United States government, esp. the military, is essentially their only customer.) Furthermore, it is unknown as to (whether or) when the goods will be ultimately assembled, tested, delivered to the customer... (if ever.)"
Labels: Corporate Welfare, Dick Cheney, Haliburton, Halliburton
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