"President Bush Wanted a Parade..."
Via The All-New"A Parade?" It sounds about-right! Dick Cheney wanted... "WELFARE..."
"...It all brings into a rather fierce relief the question of what the hell we are doing in Iraq, a conflict that has made the war we are fighting against jihadism vastly more intractable and dangerous. We can't leave Iraq apparently because al Qaeda will be emboldened and will do much better at fundraising -- a revealing perspective on the part of the White House.
But al Qaeda is vastly emboldened in as much as they are actively regrouping in the Afghan-Pakistani border, where all the trouble came from the in the first place. And groups all over the Middle East, who have little if any actual connection to al Qaeda, are adopting the name al Qaeda in vicarious support or sympathy or, perhaps mostly and most damningly, because we've [Cheney & Bush!] managed to make it a strong brand.
And here we are, again, with the president introducing yet another new new direction in Iraq. Yes, the stakes of 'defeat' in Iraq are very high. And that's why so many people are so upset with this president because the whole thing is quite obviously a disaster and we are going to pay a very big price for it on many levels.
And it's his fault.
But let's not pretend that these are grave hypotheticals off in the future. They're here. It's a disaster. And we have to deal with it. Not pretend.
People ask what we're doing in Iraq. And you can answer in a hundred ways and in a thousand shades of literalism to metaphor. But at some level we're in Iraq because President Bush wanted a parade. It's not hard to imagine how he must have imagined it. A withdrawal of most American troops from a staunchly allied pro-American Iraq. [!] Waving flags. Heartfelt thanks and vindication [!!] for the president who had the guts and character to see it through.
And that's why we stay... [+ KBR!] Because somehow if he just keeps at it someday he might get his parade... [& Halli'!] Or rather if he just keeps us there forever he doesn't have to really deal wtih what a disaster he's created and fundamentally what a failure he is.
He wants the parade."
We are scrude!

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