For latest on breaking SCANDALS... The Inimitable Josh Marshal & The TPM Media Empire
UPDATE, 9/6: Buzzflash translation,
of this CBS News story...
"Wha-a-uh-huh?" [Conflicted, much? Lar'?]

The Republican National Committee released a statement today, confirming they still INTEND to throw Senator Craig under a bus if he doesn't resign...
This, after Craig said he changed his mind -- "Not resigning." He's gonna try to REVERSE his GUILTY PLEA -- No small task...
--Josh Marshall--A political media-powerhouse not yet corrupted by the politicians they cover...
of this CBS News story...
Buzzflash: "GOP to Larry Craig: Forget About a Mulligan on This One, Bud..."And today, per Hardball and-the-rest ["guilty"], Craig is back to INTENDING TO RESIGN by month-end.
"Wha-a-uh-huh?" [Conflicted, much? Lar'?]

The Republican National Committee released a statement today, confirming they still INTEND to throw Senator Craig under a bus if he doesn't resign...
This, after Craig said he changed his mind -- "Not resigning." He's gonna try to REVERSE his GUILTY PLEA -- No small task...
"GOP strategists and Craig's senate colleagues are investigating mind control techniques and sorcery to force Craig's departure before David Petraeus arrives in town."
--Josh Marshall--A political media-powerhouse not yet corrupted by the politicians they cover...
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