Monday, January 14, 2008

Oh? OH INDEED! Bush/Cheney Are The WORST DISASTER EVER to Hit The U.S.! The Bush Administration.

Three in four Americans think the country is off on the wrong track, matching the highest number recorded in the twenty-five years since CBS News began asking the question.
Only 19% (Alzheimer's + Dementia population?) say it is headed in the right direction, matching the all-time low reached last June.
I don't even think the U.S. is ON the "WRONG TRACK."
I'm not saying we're on the right track. I'm saying the BUSH ADMINISTRATION is OFF
THE TRACK, altogether.

THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION IS OFF THE WRONG TRACK. They're completely lost... there are no more "tracks," trails, pathways, roads, or anything else. Nothing left, where these guys've dragged us...
Over the cliff, Herb


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