Dick Cheney, EVIL BASTARD!
More from the GREASY NETHERWORLD OF LIES, DEATH, and OIL PROFITS(!), otherwise known as Vice President Dick Cheney:
Across the country today,
memorial services will be held to honor the 4,000 U.S. troops killed in Iraq, a tragic milestone in President Bush’s “surge” effort.
But the White House is trying to gloss over the troop death marker. President Bush held no public events on the issue today, although he briefly thanked the “courageous people willing to serve” while at the State Department today.
In an interview with ABC News today, Vice President Cheney expressed gross callousness about the 4,000 dead troops, implying that the troops volunteered for duty. (w/ EDITS)
Who, in Cheney’s eyes, is hurting even more than the troops and their families? George W. Bush:
Across the country today,

But the White House is trying to gloss over the troop death marker. President Bush held no public events on the issue today, although he briefly thanked the “courageous people willing to serve” while at the State Department today.
In an interview with ABC News today, Vice President Cheney expressed gross callousness about the 4,000 dead troops, implying that the troops volunteered for duty. (w/ EDITS)

The president carries the biggest burden, obviously. (OBVIOUSLY... DUH!) He’s the one who has to make the decision to commit young Americans, but we are fortunate to have a group of men and women, the all-volunteer force, who voluntarily put on the uniform and go in harm’s way for the rest of us... (THE ALL-VOLUNTEER MILITARY WORKED WELL, UP UNTIL BUSH/CHENEY INVADED IRAQ... RECRUITMENT IS WAY, WAY DOWN.)Our brave soldiers didn't sign-up to sacrifice everything for Dick Cheney's halliburton/neocon-dream and mismanaged clusterf**k that Iraq was, and is. The Bush administration, remember, had to lie to the public and Congress to weasel enough support to invade Iraq... And: that's why Our "volunteer military" that Dick Cheney seems to covet, is not gonna be very-big or any-good, pretty soon. That paragraph makes sense! It's you...
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