Saturday, August 13, 2005

Using Roberts Nomination To Showcase The Shameful Delay & Co.

If, as seems the prevailing view, the dems are gonna roll-over-and-play-dead and allow Roberts to sail through, they should at least find out: 1) Does he think TomDelay should be in charge of EVERYBODY's wife & family, like they wanted to with the Schiavos? 2) How does this nominee feel about congressmen threatening Judges they don't like from the Capitol? 3) Senators publicly condemning judges who make ONE ruling they disagree with? Etc, etc.
You get the idea... trot out all the legal over-reachings and MANY recent embarassments of the current "leadership" in Wasington, see what Johnny thinks. Remind us of the last few years--just in time for the midterm!


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