Thursday, October 13, 2005

"Criminalization of Politics," or Politics of Common Criminals?

Gene Lyons has an article here, on those pesky g.o.p. scandals (two excerpts, emphasis mine):
1)Kristol also lamented "the criminalization of politics." Well, cry me a river. Where were Kristol and his magazine during the late Clinton scandals? Beating the drum for Kenneth Starr and his leak-o-matic team of Whitewater fantasists and bed sheet sniffers, naturally. Fake lawsuits, phony investigations, trumped-up accusations, the lot. All justified by Bill Clinton’s extravagant folly and desperate little lies, they insisted. (edit: "Amen brother!")
2)At bottom, the Plame investigation is about how the U.S. deluded itself into invading Iraq on false pretenses, about the substitution of radical-right ideology for professional intelligence gathering and political revenge taken against dissenters from the party line. (edit: or their CIA-asset wives.)
"Bed sheet sniffers..." Hee-heehee!
Crooks; thieves; liars, Herb.


Blogger Me said...

In responce to your first point, I agree. It really is too bad that the vast majority of politions on both sides of the isle are in it for themselves primarily, and thier party secondly. I doubt most of them care at all about the United States, or the people that make our country great.

Your second point I find rather comical however. Why is it that Demicrats (liberals) forget that Clinton also said there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? Or that Iraq attempted to assasinate one of our past presidents?

Why did Clinton invade Somolia? Or the old Yugoslovia? Seems to me like he did alot of that under false pretenses as well. First, Yugoslovia, action was forced there to prevent genocide right? So we bomb a few bridges from ten thousand feet?

You left wingers are really pretty funny. You ignore the simple fact that Clinton was the master of lies and deciet. Talk about dirty money, you ever hear of "Big John Wong"? Do your homework.

Blogger Herb said...

Jacob my friend. No spam with your comment? Ha!
Hope you keep your blog around. (for that rainy-day if nothing else.) Can't answer the whole list o' Qs. But here is the answer to three of them:
1)United Nations figleaf {x2}
Thanks bruddah, Herb.


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