Bush Admits He Doesn't Know Why We Invaded Iraq (internetweekly satire)
MONROE, MI (IWR Satire) -- President Bush today admitted he couldn't remember why the U.S. attacked Iraq, but he was sure Cheney or somebody knew why.An IWR oldie, but still operable! Better today, I think, than when it ran... 2 years ago!
"Cheney or somebody..." Ah, yes, Herb.
PS, Mightn't there be a problem (soon, God forbid) when the Iraq-death-toll exceeds the 9/11 death-toll? (~2800?) At that point, the FAKE WAR (Iraq) will have claimed more American lives than the NATIONAL TRAGEDY (Nine-Eleven) they exploited to get there, and yet: Nobody has explained why we REALLY HAD TO invade Iraq? C'mon! (We have ways...)
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