Cheney Too, W.H. CIA Leaker!

He's been obsessed with Iraq's oil since he was Bush 41's Defense-Secretary, and didn't get to seize the oil after destroying Iraq's army in 1991.

But, back in the middle of Dick's "nuke threat" excuse-a-thon for AEI & PNAC's dream-scam("cakewalk" control of iraq), he wasn't about to let some taxpaying carreer civil-servant expose the truth: It was all a BIG LIE. Dicky likes OIL!
Joe Wilson was right, they lied, so why'd they attack his wife? Yeah, Mmm-Hmm, Herb.
That Cheney, He's a freak! Him and Rove should be toast! I can't wait until they are both out of a job!
New Zealand is kind of nice right now. You should check it out one day Herb!
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