Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Oedipus Wrecks

From GREEK: "Oedipus" was the son of Laius and Jocasta who in fulfillment of an oracle unknowingly kills his father and marries his mother. (Webster's Ninth.)
From Freud: Oedipus Complex, 1910, the son trying to OUT-DO the father to impress Mommy, and now...

From today's Times comes another Bullseye from Maureen Dowd

The son wanted to go into Iraq to best his daddy in the history books, by finishing what Bush senior started. He swept aside the warnings of Brent Scowcroft and Colin Powell and didn't bother to ask his father's advice. Now he is caught in the very trap his father said he feared: that America would get bogged down as "an occupying power in a bitterly hostile land," facing a possibly "barren" outcome.
It turns out that the people of Iraq have ethnic and religious identities, not a national identity. Shiites and Kurds want to suppress the Sunnis who once repressed them and break off into their own states, smashing the Bush model kitchen of democracy.

WOW! Enough said, for now...
Later, Herb.


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