Sunday, August 14, 2005

"Tort Reform" is a FRAUD!

More on this in future posts... But "Tort Reform" is a fraud, pushed usually with a bunch of crazy-lawsuit-stories that are supposed to make Juries look stupid, victims look greedy, and attorneys... maybe evil vampires?

Basically what "Tort Reform" would accomplish would be to LIMIT OR REVOKE VICTIMS' RIGHTS... Namely the ability to hold corporations responsible(for defective, dangerous products, etc.) by capping damages, limiting lawsuits, and otherwise SHIELDING CORPORATIONS from liability for their HARMFUL or ILLEGAL CONDUCT. It's a big dream for companies that injure, kill, and otherwise screw-over the people that buy their products/services...

"Tort Reform" almost always preserves corporations' rights while destroying individuals' rights... (FOR EXAMPLE: You wouldn't be able to sue Ford for knowingly selling you an exploding car, but Ford could still seize your house to build a new dealership on your street.)

Well, as it turns out, ALL those crazy lawsuit stories are completely fictitious,
Legal Urban Legends as this Los Angeles Times article reveals... Complete BS, even the McDonald's Hot-Coffee lawsuit!
Developing... Later, Herb.


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