DICK CHENEY: "Shameless, Corrupt, Dishonest & Reprehensible."
This AP article, is titled,"Cheney Slams War Critics, Praises Murtha." Dick "responded" to Iraq war critics, from the comfort of AEI,
American Enterprise Institution -- a bunch of neocon (all-wrong) Nixon-era "crazies," just like Cheney. In the speech, Cheney lied about lying us into Iraq, smeared the Dems, tried to sound tough. I don't know... Same old stuff. But, remember, the AP title was:
"Cheney Slams War Critics, Praises Murtha"
Now, here's what the LINK to the same ARTICLE says, over at Buzzflash. (Gotta love Buzzflash.)
Beautiful, I really like that Buzzflash writing-style. Later, Herb.

"Cheney Slams War Critics, Praises Murtha"
Now, here's what the LINK to the same ARTICLE says, over at Buzzflash. (Gotta love Buzzflash.)
"Cheney's Erratic, Bizarre and Intolerable Accusations to Cover His Pathological Behavior Pose an Immediate Threat and Danger to America. Impeachment and Forced Psychiatric Hospitalization or Imprisonment are the Only Options Available to Save This Nation. He is a Desperate Cornered Rat Who Will Stop at Nothing."

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