BUSH IMPEACHMENT? Yes! So says Barron's Weekly... (A corporate - conservative rag!)

Yeah, that's right...
Impeach Bush?
YES Sir:

Legalize stuff forever (and for future Dem. Presidents?) like:
LISTENING TO YOUR PHONE CALLS! And worse, data-mining YOUR mail, and internet-use, etc. -- exactly the powers/projects Congress has REJECTED when the White House requested them.
[Did you get that? They ask (Congress) for permission to abuse-power or break-the-rules, & get rejected, by Congress or the Courts... Then they do it anyways, SECRETLY and illegally. On multiple-instances and issues.]
Example: Remember Nixon's-own John Poindexter was gonna analyze YOUR credit card bills, phone records, and the like, for teyrist spending-patterns? That job was publicly-canned (with Poidexter), but secretly given to the FBI or someone. They've been doin' it anyways. [That's the data-mining Times story (I think).]
Congress will never make a Domestic-Spying-Is-Cool Law, so Barron's is really just suggesting that bush be impeached. Impeach President George W. Bush... probably have to be the NEXT Congress. Excerpt from an AMERICAblog post on the Barron's Editorial
(BARRON'S:)Willful disregard of a law is potentially an impeachable offense. It is at least as impeachable as having a sexual escapade under the Oval Office desk and lying about it later. The members of the House Judiciary Committee who staged the impeachment of President Clinton ought to be as outraged at this situation. They ought to investigate it, consider it carefully and report either a bill that would change the wiretap laws to suit the president or a bill of impeachment...That's right, no in between. So, White House: Cut the legalistic, terr'ism-emergency, secret-suspend separation-of-powers, wartime-classified, super-secret A.G.-approved(!)Eexecutive branch power-grab, "liberal media" conspiracy-lie, corrupt go-fuck-yourself (dick), lying-cheating-stealing,
(John, AMERICAblog:) ...I really appreciate the option Barron's has presented. Either you're with the Constitution or you're against it. If Congress thinks Bush has the power to do what he did, then pass legislation that explicitly lets him spy on us without any judicial check - stop playing games with this inferred and implied crap. Give him the power directly and let the American people know it (then see what happens). And if you don't want him to have the power, impeach him. But there's no in between.
stupid, greasy neocon pussy-political
decrepit pretend-intellectual, elitist...
speeches-confuse-the-peasants approach
you've been trying for... forever!
Not workin' well these days, eh?
AMEN, BROTHER(JOHN); and Merry "X-mas," All, Herb.
Can you explain to me how the government finds the time and the resources to listen to MY phone calls and data mine MY mail? And can you explain WHY, in the middle of a war, they would WANT to? It's true. Pot does cause paranoia.
Maybe, but paranoia in (these) Orwellian Times, might not be a bad thing.
THEY LIE about what they do, and
THEY LIE about why they're doin' it, and then...
they stole the Treasury, bastards! (...sorry)
And no I can't:
Explain HOW they can find the time or the Dime... or WHY they'd even wanna. (Halliburton & re-election... That used to exlain 'bout everything. War, lies, etc.)
One thing's clear: They don't give a damn about the Country, the People, security...
GOTTA ROLL, The Cookies are done. Seasons Greetin's, Herbert.
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