Bush & The Rule Of Law: His Rule! He's covering his (GOP) ass in the Jack Abramoff INVESTIGATION...

So Scott McLellan won't comment from the White House on the Bush-Abramoff photos, NO COMMENT! "...Ongoing investigation," they say!

"Untimely Removal"
LAST Wednesday President Bush removed Noel L. Hillman, the chief prosecutor in the Jack Abramoff lobbying and bribery scandal, from the case. Mr. Bush's action came as the media and his critics swarmed around the problem of trying to pry publicly owned photographs of Mr. Bush with Mr. Abramoff from the White House.The END... Unbelievable! Hypo-crites, Herb.
The President's means of taking Mr. Hillman, head of the Department of Justice's Office of Public Integrity since 2002, out of the picture was to nominate him for a federal judgeship, in effect, kicking him upstairs.
Mr. Bush's crude move in peeling Mr. Hillman off the Abramoff case, which he has pursued for two years, could seriously weaken its prosecution.
The revelation to the American people of what goes on in Washington in a properly prosecuted Abramoff case would have been very educational in a congressional election year.
This example of Mr. Bush's further politicization of the American judicial process does not inspire confidence in his commitment to it.

McLellan just called a press conference to announce that he won't be commenting anymore unless the press start asking the questions that the White House has provided for them.
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