Sunday, February 05, 2006

c-span, Bright & Early! ILLEGAL DOMESTIC SPYING Hearings: Begin @ 9:30 A.M. (Eastern).

Senate hearings, on cspan 1 or cspan 2(?). Thank God... for those two channels of non-commentary coverage. I hope the Senators will DEMAND REAL (ADULT) ANSWERS from the administration! And NOT: "Freedom's-cause against bad-people," or the similar crap they spew when they attempt to explain themselves.
Oversee! Okay? Damnit! (Please.)

John at AMERICAblog asks a few questions...
1. Attorney General Gonzales... lied under oath to the US Senate last year about the Bush administration's spying-on-Americans program. Why did he perjure himself then, and why should we trust his testimony now? (Nice jab!)

2 Can Gonzales and the Bush administration guarantee that their eavesdropping never intentionally or unintentionally captured communications of American political opponents or US journalists? (My thoughts, exactly.)

3. If the Bush administration is so confident that it has the power under the constitution to continue spying on Americans, then will it let the FISA court review its domestic spying program in order to determine if the domestic spying is illegal or unconstitutional? (Uppercut.)

[4. W]hy, if the Administration had all the legal-authority in the world to eavesdrop without warrants and outside of FISA, did it repeatedly make false-statements to the public and to the Congress assuring us all that it was eavesdropping only in accordance with FISA?
Yeah! I got one: Why should we trust their statements or their judgemnent since they've been WRONG ABOUT EVERYTHING,
and have been caught-
lying about almost
EVERYTHING too?Post (your) question-ideas in "comments:"


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