Jack Abramoff & Karl Rove overseeing their empire: THE FIRST ABRAMOFF W.H. PHOTO

I cropped the bottom and left-hand portions and added the arrows, pointing to Rove and Abramoff. On msnbc, they showed the picture that Time Magazine gave them -- BUT IT HAD KARK ROVE CROPPED OUT! Wonder why, or whose idea THAT was. The context of Karl Rove and Jack'off overseeing the whole thing is important. Bush just does what Karl tells him too, being the idea. And of course what Jack'off's clients paid for...
By the way, that's an Abramoff-client Indian Chief shaking hands with the President... And HE PAID $25,000 for that blowjob, 'er "HANDSHAKE." Government truly FOR SALE. SOLD! Feel safer? Me neither, Herb.
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