The "Asbestos Fund" Bill in Congress is a Cheney/Bush FRAUD on the public!! (Another one.)

One of the main beneficiaries of the legislation would be Halliburton, and our friend "Big Time" Dick (Cheney).

When Dick Cheney was ceo, Halliburton acquired a company with a HUGE risk of liability for damages from asbestos-lawsuits. He must've thought,
"Eh no big deal, we always find a way for the US taxpayers, SUCKERS(!) hahaha, to pay Halli's bills."

UPDATE: SEE HERE, short summary of how the ASBESTOS CORPORATE-BAILOUT FUND actually benefits the Bush and Cheney FAMILIES... and pretty-much nobody else!!! It was Dresser Industries that Cheney and Halliburton purchased, when nobody else wanted them. And Dresser Industries was owned for decades by guess who... The BUSH FAMILY! Creepy...

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