Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The "Asbestos Fund" Bill in Congress is a Cheney/Bush FRAUD on the public!! (Another one.)

The "Asbestos Fund" is a BAIL-OUT of guilty corporations who killed people. It lets off the guilty party, it screws the victims, and in the end it would be paid for by your taxes. Lung transplants and stuff. You didn't send these guys knowingly into poisonous working conditions, the corporations involved did... And there each gonna contribute $100 or so to this "big" little fund. IF the fund pays out the corp's contributions, then you'll have to pay any future expenses. They shit in a bag, and walk away. You get to hold the bag forever! Nice... IT'S A TAX-RAISE, THE REPUBLICANS ARE RAISING YOUR TAXES!!! (Sorry, 'carried-away there)

One of the main beneficiaries of the legislation would be Halliburton, and our friend "Big Time" Dick (Cheney).

When Dick Cheney was ceo, Halliburton acquired a company with a HUGE risk of liability for damages from asbestos-lawsuits. He must've thought,
"Eh no big deal, we always find a way for the US taxpayers, SUCKERS(!) hahaha, to pay Halli's bills."
So, another disastrous conflict-of-interest that benefits Cheney, huh? And his Haliburton pals! At least the self-serving corruption is consistent with these guys... Waiting, Herb.

UPDATE: SEE HERE, short summary of how the ASBESTOS CORPORATE-BAILOUT FUND actually benefits the Bush and Cheney FAMILIES... and pretty-much nobody else!!! It was Dresser Industries that Cheney and Halliburton purchased, when nobody else wanted them. And Dresser Industries was owned for decades by guess who... The BUSH FAMILY! Creepy...


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