American Media, The New CCCP: Corrupt Corporate Conservative Press... fox, cnn, msnbc, etc.

Corrupt Corporate Conservative Press... fox, msnbc, cnn: You suck! Stalin 'd be proud, though... (You've got that goin' for you!)
CCCP, Thanks for the propa-F**KING-ganda from the Republicans and the Karl Rove's band of radical freaks in the White House... While the country bleeds (and burns up).
Remember the "scandal-ridden, and unpopular" President Clinton (WHO WAS NEITHER of those things) being hounded about his life and his sex life? (while the country prospered??) Clinton lied about the blowjob? Well Jimmy-crack-corn-and-I-DON'T-CARE!! Nobody did. Except the friggin' cccp.
Yet now, as the Country is ruined by Cheney-Rove, you act like their-puppet is "President of the United States," and therefore needs some privacy, respect and admiration. When did the "media" decide that THIS President is the one we should just... Trust?!!!? Get some new jobs... you suck! Signing off, Larry.
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