...Antonin Scalia: CAUGHT LYIN' ! "Your Honor?" ...MY ASS! You're UNFIT FOR THE BENCH [updated]

NEW YORK Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has accused staffers at The Boston Herald of watching "too many episodes of the Sopranos." A reporter for the paper on Monday interpreted a hand gesture he made at a cathedral as "obscene."And now, without further ado, nor permission, here's the picture that UNFIT-FOR-THE-BENCH Lil' Ant'ny didn't want you to see (or photographer to release):
In a strongly-worded letter to the editor of the paper, Scalia said the gesture was merely "dismissive."
The Herald reported the justice made "an obscene gesture, flicking his hand under his chin" in response to a question about whether lawyers might question his impartiality in matters of church and state. The incident occurred after he attended Mass at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross. It said Scalia had also asked a photographer not to publish a picture...

A fine newspaper... Eh?
I mean... you know,
when you're "in Boston."
Thank You, & Good Night,
Later, Herb.
UPDATE: The PHOTOGRAPHER who snapped & released that shot, got FIRED by the BOSTON ARCHDIOCESE! (Must've been a side-gig) Damned WEASELS...

They should've EXCOMMUNICATED "Mr. Scalia" from the Church for his rude childish behavior there. (It is Boston.) Instead they fire the victim-photo-journalist dude! Send money to our street address... We are gonna send some money to the photographer's family. Thanx!
First of all, maybe Scalia should stop stuffing himself at the all-you-can-eat chinese place down the street. Man! That's one fat face!!!
How did someone so freakin conservative ever get put onto any court much less the most important court in the country? He's a total freak!
Did you hear about the Generals that sent him a letter suggesting that he withdraw from current court case regarding the Gitmo guy? I don't really know how to take that. Aren't they for Hamdan losing his rights so shouldn't they want the most bias judge on the court there? I must have missed something on that one. By the way, I appreciate that you want people to support the Herald in Boston for what they did but it is really a crappy paper. It's a little like the Post in NY. Well, that's what I have heard anyway.
That bucker IS pretty fat! Good eye, tbone.
Nixon appointed Tony... you know, before the alcohol (or was it Ronny?)
You're from Boston, tbone?
Get outta town...
Not literally, but anyways, thx for the tip re: the Herald.
How's the weather?
Nope, not from Boston. But I do travel there occasionally and read the paper.
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