Rumsfeld Sent 200,000 AK-47s to Iraq. The entire shipment got intercepted/stolen by ALQEDA!

HOLY SHYITE!-----------
200,000 (That's: two-hundred-thousand!)
"AK-47" automatic assault-rifles,
which the US sent to Iraqi security forces,
may have been smuggled to terrorists...
Orders for the deal to go ahead were given by the US Department of Defense. But the work was contracted out via a complex web of private arms traders. [Sounds legit', right?]Unbelievable! No joke... see the above-link to the Mirror UK story.
(Hundreds of) thousands of guns meant for Iraq's police and army instead went to al-Qaeda...[!]

DICK probably set up the whole thing; He's still got his connections from the Halliburton days.
I just hope, for the love of God, that someone in Rumsfeld's office makes sure those guys have enough ammunition for the rifles!
Jeez-Louise, Herb.
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