Screw the "Common Wisdom!" Dems Should Issue SUBPOENAS, and Initiate G.O.P. / W.H. INVESTIGATIONS... Stop Bush & Cheney! [Rant-warning.]

TV-news "pundits,"* and lots of "experts" all seem to be workin' from the same script these days, on issue after issue:
The Dems have to legislate from the middle...
They shouldn't issue subpoenas to Bush/Cheney...
Hillary Clinton & Obama are the only choices, okay Johnkerry too, the Dems have for Pres. in 2008...
Respect THIS president, even though WE treated the last one with contempt -- either: because we say so, or "there's a war," or something...
Nobody wants to see impeachment proceedings...
It's all BushRovian BS...
Oh, and speaking of the occupation of Iraq, or the "war:"So: SCREW THE "COMMON WISDOM..."
--EVERYTHING they suggest might "result" from bailing out of Iraq (sooner, rather than later. [or never!]) HAS ALREADY F**KING HAPPENED, for God's sake! Think about it: Civil-war? Check. Destabilization of the Middle-east? Check. Sectarian violence? Check. An exodus of Iraqi-refugees? Check. Ethnic-cleansing? Check! Friggin' burkas for de-bitches? Check. Radicalization, Iranian-influence, AQ-training ground, broken-borders-everywhere... Check, check, check-check!
Thank you guten-nacht! Signed, Herb.
*Keith Olberman, from MSNBC's Countdown, is not part of this "news/pundit" group.
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