"IRAQ Study Group" releases its long-anticipated REPORT on Bush & Cheney's FAILED Iraq MESS
Americablog journalists were busy today, reporting on the I.S.G. Report and the mainstream-media's coverage thereof. I've listed some quotes below, all from today's Americablog posts / articles...
It sums up how Bush's Iraq-war is going, & what the Iraq Study Group's report concludes.
It sums up how Bush's Iraq-war is going, & what the Iraq Study Group's report concludes.
'Seems "FAILURE" is a recurring theme, Herb.~~The war in Iraq is already lost...
~~"The situation in Iraq is grave and deteriorating..."
~~[T]he war is over, we lost...
~~10 American soldiers were killed in Iraq today...
~~[I.S.G. Report was a] total repudiation of the Bush strategy...~~One thing is clear: The
Bush strategy is a failure...
~~[T]he report is a total rebuke
of Bush and his failed policy...
~~Bush has engaged the U.S.
in a losing war...
~~[W]e are in serious trouble
under his leadership...
~~President [Bush] is being told... that his entire Iraq strategy is a disaster...~~Bush's war of choice
is a complete failure...
~~It's a complete rebuke of Bush...
~~Iraq is the biggest blunder in US history...
~~[Will Bush] finally admit he was wrong and that his war of convenience is a failure?
~~[T]he war is essentially already lost...

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