BUSH Defends Al Gonzales for DISGRACING the U.S. Justice Department & NEUTERING the Federal Courts; He Dismisses Any Inquiry as "POLITICAL THEATER"
Bush & Gonzales: Definitely a TRAGEDY...
It's not funny.
Partisan prosecutors pursuing political prisoners?
It's not funny.

THE FOLLOWING IS NOT LEGAL ADVICE:That could get messy, Herb.
Hypothetically... If I were a Democrat, and I got a summons or subpoena from the Federal District Court in my state -- for any reason -- I would write a letter to the Judge, explaining why I would not be responding. I bet that Judge would be furious, at somebody!
Maybe, in this hypothetical, I'd appeal all the way to the Supreme Court, where I'd ask Alito & Roberts to recuse themselves from the case, for obvious reasons.
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