Gonzales rolled-over and let Karl Rove CONTAMINATE the Justice Department with incompetent POLITICAL HACKS & FLUNKIES...

We'll need to reverse and/or redo EVERYTHING these BOZOS have done, starting with those "tax-cuts."
True Blue Liberal, summarizing a McClatchy story:
[B]efore the midterm Congressional elections of November 2006, presidential political advisor Karl Rove orchestrated a large-scale effort to suppress voter turnout among potentially Democratic constituencies, leveraging
Department of Justice resources in the process...
[T]estimony and statements to Congressional investigators made clear that the decision to proceed with “voter fraud” charges in a series of dubious cases resulted from direction from partisan politicaloperatives in the White House, including Rove.
[W]eeks before last year’s pivotal midterm elections, the White House urged the Justice Department to pursue voter-fraud allegations against Democrats in three battleground states, a high-ranking Justice official has told congressional investigators.
[Twice] in October 2006, President Bush’s political adviser, Karl Rove, or his deputies passed the allegations on to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales’ then-chief of staff, Kyle Sampson...
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