George W. Bush & Dick Cheney: The patients running the Asylum.
From an Atlanta Journal Constitution editorial:

ultimate failure(s) of the Bush administration... can be attributed to two basic flaws, both related to its pursuit and use of power.
First, it [tolerated] no dissent, internal or external. Dissent is invaluable; properly respected, it can act as a powerful internal compass for decision-makers trying to steer a responsible course. Even in a rigid institution such as the military, good officers encourage subordinates to voice dissent, with the expectation that such dissent ceases once an order is given.
But on issue after issue, the Bush administration denied itself that advantage. A revolutionary movement tolerates no dissent because it already knows all the answers.
There was one way, the party way and any who dared question or challenge that way — no matter how wise their counsel — were silenced. On issues such as Iraq, the repercussions of that approach will haunt this country for a generation.
Second, the administration valued [cronyism] unquestioned loyalty to its cause far more than it valued competence, which is another hallmark of a revolutionary movement. That misplaced emphasis explains how a small-time political hanger-on named Michael Brown ended up in charge of the Federal Emergency Management Agency when Hurricane Katrina hit [and the Country badly needed competent-management].
It explains how job applicants to serve in the Coalition Provisional Authority that ruled post-invasion Iraq were hired based on their sentiments about Roe v. Wade, not on their knowledge of Arab culture or [any] experience in nation-building.
It explains how highly regarded career lawyers in the Justice Department were pushed aside by Bush officials to make room for "real Americans" with far less ability but unquestioned loyalty, a phenomenon that was undoubtedly repeated in many other federal agencies as well.
The result has been a government obsessed with winning elections but not with establishing justice, insuring domestic tranquility or any of the other roles laid out for it in the Constitution. And that government is reaping its just rewards...
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