Dick Cheney's Cowardly, Lazy, & Sadistic Passion for Shooting Tame Animals
This is a picture of Dick Cheney POSING as a "hunter," as if the birds he kills with are able to fly, or something. Bah ha ha ha... Hah ha hah!
Dick Cheney's Sadistic Passion for Shooting Tame Animals
Remember when Dick shot a fellow "hunter," in his party, in the face -- and then didn't tell anybody at the White House? Well, he wasn't really "hunting." He was at some canned-bird-kill, like those mentioned above.
Dick Cheney, pussy extrordinaire: They rode in a convoy of air-conditioned gas guzzling SUVs; then the first truck would stop in a clearing, and dump these pen-raised Quail out in the field; then Dick & friends would step out of their truck and shoot the stunned, retarded, clueless, and DEFENSELESS birds -- really just lumps of breathing feathers -- dumped on the ground right in front of them.

Dick Cheney's Sadistic Passion for Shooting Tame Animals
...Birds raised for canned hunts at gun clubs and in state "recreational" areas are grown in packed pens -- think factory farmed chickens -- and fitted with goggles so they won't peck each other to death from the (overcrowded pens they are raised in, never-even seeing the Sun or the sky). When (these "birds" are) released for put-and-take (fake) hunters like (Dick!) Cheney, pen-raised birds can barely walk or fly, or see, thanks to the goggles...(For more, see: canned bird "hunting," animal cruelty)
Remember when Dick shot a fellow "hunter," in his party, in the face -- and then didn't tell anybody at the White House? Well, he wasn't really "hunting." He was at some canned-bird-kill, like those mentioned above.
Dick Cheney, pussy extrordinaire: They rode in a convoy of air-conditioned gas guzzling SUVs; then the first truck would stop in a clearing, and dump these pen-raised Quail out in the field; then Dick & friends would step out of their truck and shoot the stunned, retarded, clueless, and DEFENSELESS birds -- really just lumps of breathing feathers -- dumped on the ground right in front of them.
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