Spoiled BRAT PRESIDENT Bush Wants To Be EXEMPT From Rules... Again!
Bush junior is SO ACCUSTOMED to not having to play by the same rules as everyone else, that he just repeatedly expects everyone to ACCEPT LIES, and do his bidding without question. Now he doesn't like the media EXPOSING his administration's LIES & DECEPTION. He doesn't like getting-caught breakin' the law... see? So, here's Our coward bubble-boy President BEGGING the media to STOP embarrassing him! "Please, stop catching me lying," I guess? It's pretty LAME as well, using National "Security," again, to shield himself from REPORTERS (finally!) reporting.
(Bush Sr.)Daddy, or the Saudis Royals have always bent-the-rules for Junior...
Like gettin' IN to Yale...
Or gettin' OUT, of Viet Nam...
you're right in the middle of 'em.
It's--, Herb.
(Bush Sr.)Daddy, or the Saudis Royals have always bent-the-rules for Junior...

Or gettin' OUT, of Viet Nam...
By Howard KurtzDisasters happen in slow-motion when
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, December 26, 2005;
President Bush has been summoning newspaper editors lately in an effort to prevent publication of stories he considers damaging to national security.The efforts have failed, but the rare White House sessions with the executive editors of The Washington Post and New York Times are an indication of how seriously the president takes the recent reporting that has raised questions about the administration's anti-terror tactics.
Leonard Downie Jr., The Post's executive editor, would not confirm the meeting with Bush before publishing reporter Dana Priest's Nov. 2 article disclosing the existence of secret CIA prisons in Eastern Europe used to interrogate terror suspects. Bill Keller, executive editor of the Times, would not confirm that he, publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. and Washington bureau chief Philip Taubman had an Oval Office sit-down with the president on Dec. 5, 11 days before reporters James Risen and Eric Lichtblau revealed that Bush had authorized eavesdropping on Americans and others within the United States without court orders...
you're right in the middle of 'em.
It's--, Herb.
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