"The Abramoff Republican Party Corruption Scandal" (tm)
First off, I agree with Atrios (main-link right) that the pundit-spin on tv (and from the W.H.) that Jack Abramoff was a non-partisan, equal-opportunity scumbag lobbyist who worked with both parties... IS RIDICULOUS!!!
Together, they ARE the NATIONAL REPUBLICAN PARTY political machine...
They set the party-agenda, and don't tolerate independence or dissent. (Ask McCain!) They brought us everything-wonderful we have now, like: Lies, deception, fake-wars, torture, cancel-your-freedoms, CIA-agent outing for spite, ruined-military, Republican presidents-can-do-anything, bankrupt-government, incompetence, fake-patriotism, secrecy, fraud, etc, etc.
Second, here's how ONE of their Tribal-casino "lobbying" SWINDLES worked...
Remember this smug, self-righteous hypocrite that wraps himself in the Bible?
"Ralph Reed"
Well... he would come thru town, stirring-up fake protests, at churches & stuff, opposing Indian-gaming: ~ "Corrupting our Christian ideals; Evil, satan; Amen - praise Jesus, etc."
Then, Abramoff & co. would offer to "lobby" on behalf of the Tribes, against the non-existent, or exaggerated opposition. For a million-dollars a week, whatever. And they paid him... and he took their money! Fake "grass-roots," much? Hijack-churches much? Blasphemers!!!
Hypocrites & liars!
There's so much God-damned PROSTITUTING going on with these guys, that you can't even tell anymore who the Pimp, the Prostitute(s), or the John is. Later, Herb.
Atrios: Never Stops...There's a slimy thread that connects Abramoff, Delay, Norquist(not pictured), and Rove...
The Abramoff machine IS the congressional Republican machine...

They set the party-agenda, and don't tolerate independence or dissent. (Ask McCain!) They brought us everything-wonderful we have now, like: Lies, deception, fake-wars, torture, cancel-your-freedoms, CIA-agent outing for spite, ruined-military, Republican presidents-can-do-anything, bankrupt-government, incompetence, fake-patriotism, secrecy, fraud, etc, etc.
Second, here's how ONE of their Tribal-casino "lobbying" SWINDLES worked...
Remember this smug, self-righteous hypocrite that wraps himself in the Bible?
"Ralph Reed"

Then, Abramoff & co. would offer to "lobby" on behalf of the Tribes, against the non-existent, or exaggerated opposition. For a million-dollars a week, whatever. And they paid him... and he took their money! Fake "grass-roots," much? Hijack-churches much? Blasphemers!!!
Hypocrites & liars!
There's so much God-damned PROSTITUTING going on with these guys, that you can't even tell anymore who the Pimp, the Prostitute(s), or the John is. Later, Herb.
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