Tuesday, December 27, 2005

HISTORY BOOKS, President Clinton, and "impeachment"

AOL-News article includes the following sampling of THREE TEXTBOOKS' coverages of President Clinton & "impeachment." The "scandalous" Presidency...
(that wasn't)
1) "Although there was general agreement that the president had lied, Congress was divided over whether his actions justified impeachment."
-- McGraw Hill's middle school textbook, "The American Journey"

2)"...A sorry mess" that diminished Clinton and his rivals. Most Americans did not believe Clinton's "tortured explanations of his behavior..."
-- Pearson Prentice Hall high school textbook, "A History of the United States"

3)"...A personal relationship between the president and a White House intern."
-- A middle school text's explanation of Clinton's relationship with Monica Lewinsky.
Pretty scary sample...
I can live with #s 1 & 3, but what's up with #2?

I'm not sure Pearson Prentice Hall should be in the "history," or education business(es) at all. Is it just coincidence that the word "tortured" ends up in THEIR U.S. History books--regarding the Clinton Presidency? And, the "sorry mess" was created by the Republican Congress and the media; And the only "historical" significance was this:
If the media, Congress, and the FBI (60 Agents, $100 Million+ wasted) hadn't spent the latter-half of the 90s pursuing FAKE Bill Clinton SCANDALS
(Whitewater, Lewinsky, Jones...), then Osama probably wouldn't have been able (or around) to plan & prepare the 9/11 attacks, which took place NINE MONTHS into G.W. Bush's Done-nothing Presidency.

Bush (And poster-child of INCOMPETENCE, Condi Rice) ignored tey'rism and the real threats we faced at the time... Clinton hadn't ignored 'em! He tried to bomb Osama, and everybody cried out, "wag the dog," accusing Bill Clinton of distracting people from the real-stuff: blowjobs, and bimbos.... Remember? Right! Clinton was waging a War, Congress was chasing a whore!

Congress (with their intelligence-committees, and all) & the media were OBSESSED WITH BLOWJOBS and personal issues with Bill Clinton, and failed the country... B.S., gaw'damnit!

SHYITE! Sorry, gets me a little worked-up, Herb.


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