Howard Dean Makes Wolf Blitzer Eat his Socks (video-link)
CNN's Wolf Blitzer was interviewing Howard Dean, when ol' Wolfie tried to slip a turd into the pudding:
He regurgitated the REPUBLICAN SPIN that the
Jack Abramoff Republican Corruption Scandal(tm) involved "a bunch of Democrats..." Dean corrected him...
The pay-to-play government
corruption scandal involves
...All G.O.P.!
Tom Delay, Karl Rove & Grover Norquist and co. didn't exactly "hang out" with the Democrats (evil-liberals.) ...They might have had the Democrats' wives "roughed up - no marks," but they didn't let them in on their private, lucrative lobby-laundry extortion-racket gravy-train!
They're gonna keep trying to confuse the issues, mislead, and distract both the public and the press, so it's good that Wolf Blitzer was smacked-down by Dean. Hopefully, Wolf will start doing research, and leave his talking-points @ home.

So, Howard Dean LEVELED Wolf Blitzer, who could only stammer, stutter & mumble (as he picked himself up off the floor) and ran for the nearest-commercial! -- -- See HERE AT, for the must-see video LINK;
Otherwise, here's the transcript:
He regurgitated the REPUBLICAN SPIN that the
Jack Abramoff Republican Corruption Scandal(tm) involved "a bunch of Democrats..." Dean corrected him...

The pay-to-play government
corruption scandal involves
...All G.O.P.!
Tom Delay, Karl Rove & Grover Norquist and co. didn't exactly "hang out" with the Democrats (evil-liberals.) ...They might have had the Democrats' wives "roughed up - no marks," but they didn't let them in on their private, lucrative lobby-laundry extortion-racket gravy-train!
They're gonna keep trying to confuse the issues, mislead, and distract both the public and the press, so it's good that Wolf Blitzer was smacked-down by Dean. Hopefully, Wolf will start doing research, and leave his talking-points @ home.

So, Howard Dean LEVELED Wolf Blitzer, who could only stammer, stutter & mumble (as he picked himself up off the floor) and ran for the nearest-commercial! -- -- See HERE AT, for the must-see video LINK;
Otherwise, here's the transcript:
BLITZER: Should Democrats who took money from Jack Abramoff, who's now'Nuff said, Herb.
pleaded guilty to bribery charges among other charges, a Republican lobbyist in Washington — should the Democrats who took money from him give that money to charity or give it back?
DEAN: There are no Democrats who took money from Jack Abramoff. Not
one. Not one single Democrat. Every person named in this scandal is a Republican, every person under investigation is a Republican, every person indicted is a Republican. This is a Republican finance scandal. There is no evidence that Jack Abramoff ever gave any Democrat any money, and we've looked through all those FEC reports to make sure that's true.
BLITZER: [Stammering] But through various Abramoff-related organizations, and
outfits, a bunch of Democrats did take money that presumably originated with Jack Abramoff.
DEAN: That's not true either. There's no evidence for that either, there's no evidence...
BLITZER: What about Senator, what about, what about, what about Senator Byron
DEAN: Senator Byron Dorgan and some others took money from Indian tribes.
They're not agents of Jack Abramoff. There's no evidence that I've seen that Jack Abramoff directed any contributions to Democrats. I know the Republican National Committee would like to get the Democrats involved in this. They're scared. They should be scared. They haven't told the truth, and they have misled the American people, and now it appears they're stealing from Indian tribes. The Democrats are not involved in this.
BLITZER: [Long pause, apparently getting direction in his earpiece] [Sigh]
Unfortunately, we, uh, Mr. Chairman, we've got to leave it right there...
[ commentary] ...I love how Blitzer says that money donated by Indian tribes "presumably originated with Jack Abramoff," with absolutely no evidence or basis in fact. Objective journalism at its finest.
No Dems took money because that freaky Abramoff is a uber-conservative wacko! He was so far to the right back in the 80's that the Reaganites wouldn't even talk to him! He and his Collegiate Republican butt-buddy Grover! They loved Reagan and wanted him to attend one of their ultra-conservative functions so he could pat them on their backs. The White House screwed Jack and sent him Daddy Bush whom they hated because he was too much of a moderate!
He's going to love his new home. Maybe DeLay and Abramoff could start a bible study group while they are in prison together.
It's nice to be back!
"Maybe DeLay and Abramoff could start a bible study group while they are in prison together."
That's good t-bone! We might use it. It's good to have-you... "back."
We're looking for an edcumacated person to do movie-reviews. Can you write (menta-legibly?). You wanna job, kid? Yeah, we can't pay you anything. What? It's volunteer work. For the Union!
Okay, I'll watch for you here in com's. Good 'back, later, Herb.
PS, be careful the nsa is "baiting" people on the internets for their new "program" with foreign tear-your-wrist PORNO. The girls are kinda hot, but (trust us) once you respond, you'll wish you hadn't!
Condi "drops by..."
with medical-kit!
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