BYRD SHOT Hits White House's CONTEMPT for Oversight & The Rule of Law... {"Just trust us!"}

Here's a sample (pictures added):
Because the President says “trust me.”Amen, brother Bob! Preach on!...In the name of “fighting terror” are we to sacrifice every freedom to a President’s demand? How far are we to go? Can a President order warrantless house-by-house searches of a neighborhood, where he suspects a terrorist may be hiding? Can he impose new restrictions on what can be printed, broadcast, or even uttered privately, because of some perceived threat to national security? Laughable thoughts? I think not. For this Administration has so traumatized the people of this nation -- and many in the Congress -- that some will swallow whole whatever rubbish that is spewed from this White House, as long as it is in some tenuous way connected to the so-called war on terror.
...I plead with the American public to tune-in to what is happening in this country.
More at the link above, Herb.
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