BIG NEWS: Disgraced former House Leader Tom Delay, likely fearing indictment(s) in the Jack Abramoff corruption-conspiracy,
quits his re-election bid: [Karl, Grover...
TOM DELAY STATEMENT: "I'm going to announce tomorrow that I'm not running for reelection and that I'm going to leave Congress..."
"Good riddance," I believe is in order. Although I'm afraid that's not the last we'll be hearing from The Hammer, Tom Delay. He may have some legal issues, Herb.
UPDATE: CNN Reporting now that Tom Delay, The Hammer, will be RESIGNING(!) from his current seat in Congress altogether; "Soon." Hammer that!

His lawyers (or the prosecutor) must have told him he's going down hard. Popcorn? Buh-bye!
I wonder how long it took you to post this one? I bet you haven't slept since you found out.
You know, he's just going to become some behind the scenes lobbyist now too don't you. He will probably be worse! Hopefully they will throw him in the tank for a decade or so.
Yeah, I agree Tboner. You are absolutely right... He'll follow in the shadow of ("eye of") Newt Gangrenish. Continue hastening the apocolypse -- just from behind-the-scenes. Tom Delay is a religious man... so was Manson, and the rest. Herb.
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