"In Farewell, Rumsfeld Warns Weakness Is 'Provocative'," NYT. [Ronald Dumbsfeld, "Weakener."]

New York Times:
WASHINGTON, Dec. 15 — Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld bade farewell to the Pentagon on Friday... and said it would be wrong to regard the lack of new attacks on American soil as a sign that the nation is safe from terrorism...Simile time: Isn't that like the blacksmith warning horseshoes against getting hammered?
"Today, it should be clear that not only is weakness provocative," Mr. Rumsfeld said, standing at a lectern with President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney at his side, "but the perception of weakness on our part can be provocative as well."
Can you believe Dumbsfeld has the nerve to warn against "weakness," after HE and DICK and George Jr. have cripled us militarily and have done so quite publicly. Don't let the proverbial "door" hit you on your way out, Dummy!
Shameful and embarrassing -- The Bush Administration. HYPOCRITES and LIARS don't always understand IRONY, when they're mired in it. ...Unfortunate for many, Herb.
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