"REPUDIATED:" Bush had to look it up in the dictionary... twice. [repudiation]
After the election, five weeks ago, Bush had to ask a White House aide to look up the definition for the word, "repudiated," as in "voters repudiated Bush..."
From Merriam Webster:
That's funny mang, Herb.
From Merriam Webster:

REPUDIATE -- re·pu·di·ateThen, after the Grownup Study Group's Report was discussed in the news, just the other day, Bush asked the same White House aide what the word "repudiation" meant... As in, "...was a repudiation of all Bush's policies."
Pronunc.: ri-'pyü-dee-ate --verb--
(REPUDIATION --noun--)
1) to refuse to have anything to do with...
2) to refuse to accept; especially:
...to reject as unauthorized...
3) to reject as untrue or unjust...
4) to refuse to acknowledge...
5) to terminate (relationship);
...to separate from formally...
[Etymology: Latin "repudiatus/repudium;" from... rejection / shame]
That's funny mang, Herb.
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