SCIENCE: Cannabis Named America's Biggest Cash Crop...
"Cannabis is named America's biggest cash crop!" 19 December 2006, UK Independent
We report; You decide(r);
The Marijuana Menace... "Reefers!" Drug-crazed youth ATTACK... with RECKLESS ABANDON! Mmmm, that's all... Naught else, Herb.
Marijuana is the most valuable cash crop in the United States, worth more to its growers than corn and wheat combined, according to a new report... that cites the US government's own figures."Them's the facts, ma'm..."Decades of government efforts to crack down on both the cultivation and consumption of pot have had a counter-productive effect... since domestic marijuana production has increased tenfold in the past 25 years...
We report; You decide(r);
The Marijuana Menace... "Reefers!" Drug-crazed youth ATTACK... with RECKLESS ABANDON! Mmmm, that's all... Naught else, Herb.
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