Bush/Cheney White House indeed OUTED a covert CIA-operative & RECKLESSLY undermined national security, while the Nation was at WAR!
CONFIRMED: The Bush/Cheney White House indeed outed a covert-operative for spite, and undermined national security in a time of war... They used Bob Novak as their errand-boy (douchebag!).
...THIS: Dick Cheney is a pussy: He can't handle criticism. He lies without shame... He can't handle responsibility -- personal, professional, or otherwise. And if he's gonna lie to the Country, you better not tell anybody! He'll attack your wife, smear your family, torture your kids, kill your dog, and poison the whole city... just to show you! Damnit.
--Ambassador Joe Wilson, w/ his wife Valerie--

A newly disclosed court filing from special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald reveals that former CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson was indeed a covert agent who had traveled overseas undercoverJoe Wilson exposed Bush-Cheney's IRAQ WAR LIES, so Cheney and the VP's Office attacked the man's wife. What's wrong with that?when her identity was revealed by G.O.P. gossip-columnist Bob Novak.
But pundits on the right continue to defend Novak and I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, who was convicted of perjury in the leak investigation...
...Republican pundits (have long insisted) that Plame was not a covert agent. Even White House spokesman Tony Snow told Fox News host Bill O'Reilly in February, "She wasn't a covert agent."
According to Fitzgerald... Plame traveled "sometimes in true name and sometimes in alias -- but always using cover -- whether official or non-official (NOC) -- with no ostensible relationship to the CIA."
...THIS: Dick Cheney is a pussy: He can't handle criticism. He lies without shame... He can't handle responsibility -- personal, professional, or otherwise. And if he's gonna lie to the Country, you better not tell anybody! He'll attack your wife, smear your family, torture your kids, kill your dog, and poison the whole city... just to show you! Damnit.
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