"America's Dumbest Criminals" Featuring: ALBERTO GONZALES [Fed. Prosecutor Purge Scandal]
Alberto Gonzales: "Attorney General of the United States?" Please! America deserves better...
HE IS A DISGRACE! And, Gonzales recently THREATENED to stay around [Screwing up the Justice Dept. & obstructing investigations] as Bush's Attorney General, "until January 2009."
Uh... No thanks, Pedro!
After the (internal Justice Department) investigations began, Gonzales frequently failed to answer (basic) questions during Congressional testimony, insis-
ting that he was trying to avoid compromising the Justice Department's internal fact finding.
"It is surprising how often a whiff of obstruction of justice has reared its head in the course of this investigation," (R-Senator Sheldon Whitehouse) said when introducing the Senate's no confidence motion against Gonzales with Senators Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA). "There's been the cloud of that hanging over this entire investigation."
<------------- TIME--LINE ------------->
March 15 - Monica Goodling has private discussion with Attorney General on firing of US Attorneys that she says in later Congressional testimony made her feel 'uncomfortable.'
March 16 - Goodling works her last full day at the Justice Department.
Also, US Attorney for Eastern District of Virginia Chuck Rosenberg is appointed interim Chief of Staff to the Attorney General.
March 19 - Goodling begins her leave of absence.
March 24 - AP reports that an internal investigation has been initiated at the Justice Department during this week (Goodling later stated she believes that Gonzales was discussing the matter with staff during this time period).
March 26 - The Justice Department's Office of Professional Responsibility and Office of the Inspector General write to the Senate Judiciary Committee and confirm that they are jointly investigating the firing of the US Attorneys after interim Chief of Staff Chuck Rosenberg settled a dispute over which office should investigate the matter.
April 6 - Monica Goodling resigns from the Justice Department.
April 19 - Attorney General Alberto Gonzales appears before the Senate Judiciary Committee and says he is unable to answer a variety of questions due to the ongoing internal investigation.
May 10 - Gonzales appears before the House Judiciary Committee and again claims he cannot answer some questions due to the pending investigation.
May 23 - Monica Goodling testifies before House Judiciary Committee and states that Attorney General continued to discuss the firings of the US Attorneys after she went on leave on March 19.
May 24 - Senator Sheldon Whitehouse warns of a 'whiff of obstruction of justice' at the Justice Department in a press conference introducing the Senate's 'no confidence resolution' against the Attorney General.
May 30 - OPR and OIG write to the Senate Judiciary Committee to confirm that they have expanded their probe to cover politicization of hiring at the Justice Department.--END--
Nice timeline summary. Goodling's a crook and a liar in Jesus-freak's clothes, but whatever it's worth, she shreds the last bit of Gonzales's credibility. No wonder Al said "I don't recall" 67 times in three-hours (whatever.)... everything he answered and/or discussed in those hearings has proved a BALD-FACED LIE!
[Search: Timeline, USA Purge, U.S. Attorney Purge-Firings, Political Trials, Lies, Gonzales Lying Liar, Contamination of the Federal Courts, I-don't-recall, Time Line.]
HE IS A DISGRACE! And, Gonzales recently THREATENED to stay around [Screwing up the Justice Dept. & obstructing investigations] as Bush's Attorney General, "until January 2009."
Uh... No thanks, Pedro!

After the (internal Justice Department) investigations began, Gonzales frequently failed to answer (basic) questions during Congressional testimony, insis-
ting that he was trying to avoid compromising the Justice Department's internal fact finding.
"It is surprising how often a whiff of obstruction of justice has reared its head in the course of this investigation," (R-Senator Sheldon Whitehouse) said when introducing the Senate's no confidence motion against Gonzales with Senators Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA). "There's been the cloud of that hanging over this entire investigation."
<------------- TIME--LINE ------------->

March 15 - Monica Goodling has private discussion with Attorney General on firing of US Attorneys that she says in later Congressional testimony made her feel 'uncomfortable.'
March 16 - Goodling works her last full day at the Justice Department.
Also, US Attorney for Eastern District of Virginia Chuck Rosenberg is appointed interim Chief of Staff to the Attorney General.
March 19 - Goodling begins her leave of absence.
March 24 - AP reports that an internal investigation has been initiated at the Justice Department during this week (Goodling later stated she believes that Gonzales was discussing the matter with staff during this time period).
March 26 - The Justice Department's Office of Professional Responsibility and Office of the Inspector General write to the Senate Judiciary Committee and confirm that they are jointly investigating the firing of the US Attorneys after interim Chief of Staff Chuck Rosenberg settled a dispute over which office should investigate the matter.
April 6 - Monica Goodling resigns from the Justice Department.
April 19 - Attorney General Alberto Gonzales appears before the Senate Judiciary Committee and says he is unable to answer a variety of questions due to the ongoing internal investigation.
May 10 - Gonzales appears before the House Judiciary Committee and again claims he cannot answer some questions due to the pending investigation.
May 23 - Monica Goodling testifies before House Judiciary Committee and states that Attorney General continued to discuss the firings of the US Attorneys after she went on leave on March 19.
May 24 - Senator Sheldon Whitehouse warns of a 'whiff of obstruction of justice' at the Justice Department in a press conference introducing the Senate's 'no confidence resolution' against the Attorney General.
May 30 - OPR and OIG write to the Senate Judiciary Committee to confirm that they have expanded their probe to cover politicization of hiring at the Justice Department.--END--
Nice timeline summary. Goodling's a crook and a liar in Jesus-freak's clothes, but whatever it's worth, she shreds the last bit of Gonzales's credibility. No wonder Al said "I don't recall" 67 times in three-hours (whatever.)... everything he answered and/or discussed in those hearings has proved a BALD-FACED LIE!
[Search: Timeline, USA Purge, U.S. Attorney Purge-Firings, Political Trials, Lies, Gonzales Lying Liar, Contamination of the Federal Courts, I-don't-recall, Time Line.]
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