Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Tucker Carlson Lowers Your I.Q. Faster* Than Inhaling Spray-Paint...

He's the G.O.P. dude with the bow-tie, from CNN's Crossfire.

WARNING: Watch "Tucker," weekday-afternoons on MSNBC, at your own risk! [Yeah, he got his own show; it's like Oprah.]
So stupid, a caveman could debate him.

*Listening to him and/or watching his show on MSNBC - makes you stupid. Note: We do not promote 'huffing' household chemicals. Try it, instead of your favorite cocktail tomorrow... "Tucker:" You'll be dumb as a brick, long before the hour's up! He makes the stupidest assertions, using the most absurd reasoning imaginable (or none).

Okay, here's one example:
Tucker Carlton said (today) that disgraced former Cheney-aide & convicted-felon Scooter Libby doesn't deserve jail-time, because:
"He's a guy with a family,
he's got two kids..."
Give it a minute...
OH! THANK YOU! Good night, Herb.


Blogger Herb said...

I heard, in the UK press, of one guy convicted of armed robbery and murder, got sentenced to 22 years, and had three (3!) kids, and two wives (oops).
Wonder what F--
Tucker would have to say about that injustice? C'mon, homey. Whatcha got?


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