How Bush killed Lady Justice... ["Bush KILLED Justitia..."]

The Mexican kid ("Al") was supposed to be protecting Her... The lazy-bastard fell asleep... Karl Rove then kidnapped, drugged, and raped Her before George Bush tortured, starved, then finally KILLED Her*... And She was pregnant! With TRIPLETS!!!
*She is suspected to have been poisoned/bludgeoned repeatedly with:
rank-politics, incompetent-Bush-judges, and political-prosecutors/trials...[-final autopsy/toxicology results pending-]
[Dick Cheney, it seems, was not directly involved: He was reportedly killing a
litter of adorable Labrador puppies.]
Great post. We Americans have a chance to end this right-wing nightmare next year. But we can't allow the bastards to steal another election. And an election theft is most definitely in the works. If the Dems in Congress don't fix our broken election system now, while they have the power, then we as a nation will face many more years of GOP madness.
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