Saturday, August 04, 2007
Junctures passed
- It's NOT FUNNY, what George Bush's pathetic Attorn...
- Are Republicans blaming Bill Clinton?*
- Nazis? Rupert Murdoch, Bill O'Reilly, and an annu...
- [I'm with Leslie Hill*.] "Dow Jones" & Wall Stree...
- "Oh Really?" FOX's Bill O'Reilly obsessed with l...
- Alberto Gonzales: "NO RELATION," says Speedy Gonza...
- Bush & GOP FEARFUL of Oversight, Respond with... A...
- FBI & IRS Raid Senator Ted Stevens(R-AK) Alaska Ho...
- Ashcroft "General Hospital" episode was Directed b...
- Little Johnny asked, "Mommy, why is that little M...
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