The President Embarrasses US again... In Australia: "KICK ASS, BEAVIS!"
Another Completely Insensitive, Inappropriate and Inaccurate Comment From Our Embarrassing,
Incompetent & Insane Leader...
RE: President Bush's ridiculous statement [To the Prime Minister(!), whilst in Australia, at the APEC Summit] that: The U.S. is "KICKING ASS" in Iraq...
From AMERICAblog:
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey of Workers' World wasn't subtle in his commentary:
If "kicking ass" is creating a scenario whereby billions and billions of dollars (and Congress is today being presented with requests for more) of the US citizens' hard-earned wages are poured into a black hole of corruption (the Iraqi govenment, which dares not to venture beyond the refines of the Green Zone in Baghdad), if "kicking ass" is targeting civilian structures with military hardware, then George Bush proves that he indeed reunites the worst qualities of the cowboy clown-statesman the world feared back in 2000.
There was also a CNN article posted about Bush's mind-blowing statement, but the best part were the comments on that page. Who's the horse's ass now?
If "kicking ass" means thousands of innocent people are dying because of his greed, then we must be kicking ass.
Posted By Ace, Orange Count California : September 6, 2007 5:38 pm
I'm glad to hear that the President is so down to earth and can tell it like it is.
Posted By Jarred, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma : September 6, 2007 5:38 pm
He's the president of the most powerful nation on Earth and he says, "We're kicking ass," like he's talking about a Texas high school football team.
Posted By Logan, Huntington, WV : September 6, 2007 5:38 pm
Another crude comment from a fool cowboy who causes other people to die, but who can't even prove he served his time in the military!
Posted By Ross, Manlius, NY : September 6, 2007 5:38 pm
Really? How many Troops have died in this senseless war again?
Posted By Becky, Euless, TX : September 6, 2007 5:41 pm
Whose ass? The American peoples'?
Posted By bvt, Elko, Nevada : September 6, 2007 5:41 pm
"We're kicking ass,", "Fantastic Freedom Institute" and "replenish ol' coffers". Can he get any more adolescent?
Posted By Arkay, Detrot, MI : September 6, 2007 5:41 pm
and people wonder why the US is not taken seriously in the world, when our 'leader' is making statements that sound like something out of a bad action movie. He's not the brightest guy.
Posted By John, Green Bay Wisconsin : September 6, 2007 5:44 pm
Very classy, Mr. President. We need less tough talking cowboy hyperbole and more reason and logic in your approach to this mess you have created.
Posted By Mark, Holmen, Wisconsin : September 6, 2007 5:45 pm
No, Mr. President. We are not "kicking ass" in Iraq. Only a moron would make a comment like this. I rest my point.
Posted By Josh Maloney, Oakland, CA : September 6, 2007 5:51 pm
Did we hear that right, George? "Kicking ass?"
Our men and women certainly have had successes, but your deceitful and toxic policies are to blame for the thousands of dead and wounded that were sent their because of your lies. And let's not forgot what you have done to Iraq and its citizens–hundreds of thousands dead and wounded, millions displaced, sectarian violence that is reminiscent of the Middle Ages. Childhoods robbed and lives forever altered because you like to "Kick Ass."
Kicking ass, indeed! What a misguided simpleton we have as president. My fingers won't allow me to even spell president (this one anyway) with a capital p. W, you are disgraceful.
Jim Arnold
Posted By Jim Arnold, Germantown, TN : September 6, 2007 5:51 pm
There's that cowboy we all love so much.
Kicking who's ass, exactly? The American taxpayer's ass?
Posted By Kris, Toronto : September 6, 2007 5:52 pm
Would like to say I am surprised … but I am not. This has to be the most foolish president in the history of the United States.
Posted By Hank, Palm Springs, CA : September 6, 2007 5:52 pm
woohoo Go Army, Airforce, Navy & Marines!
Posted By Badonkadonk, Houston, Texas : September 6, 2007 6:00 pm
President Bush is out of control and continues to be completely oblivious to the facts, i.e., the NIE report, the GAO report, reporters on the ground in Iraq, etc. At some point, he needs to be held accountable for his continued incompetence and refusal to be truthful with himself and the American people. His behavior is unacceptable.
Posted By john p breen, freeport, new york : September 6, 2007 6:09 pm
Well it looks like we won't have to wait for Gen. Petraeus' report since Bush has already announced "we're kicking ass".
Posted By Farrell, Houston, Tx : September 6, 2007 6:09 pm
Another completely insensitive, inappropriate and inaccurate comment from our incompetent and insane leader.
Were we kicking ass when some of our people shot up a bunch of Iraqi women, and children? Are we kicking ass when we torture prisoners? Are we kicking ass when the government we set up is half gone?
Someone should kick Bush's ass. If given the opportunity, I would be first in line.
Posted By Clint, Menlo Park, CA : September 6, 2007 6:10 pm
Go CNN viewers! I'm afraid that is what THE WORLD thinks of YOUR whiny little brat, oversight-pussy, cowardly and dimw-itted "war president." [Yeah, mine too...] 'Not like frightened afraid, just a bit worried; You know?
Okay man, scared like a turtle, whatever. Congress should censure Bush for the frat-boy drunken cliche-babble in Australia; and then, maybe pass a law that Georgie's "grounded" for the rest of his term. No more traveling, no more representing the U.S.A., no more embarrassing us, no more speeches... Yadda. Yadda... yadda, Herb.
Incompetent & Insane Leader...
RE: President Bush's ridiculous statement [To the Prime Minister(!), whilst in Australia, at the APEC Summit] that: The U.S. is "KICKING ASS" in Iraq...
From AMERICAblog:
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey of Workers' World wasn't subtle in his commentary:
If "kicking ass" is creating a scenario whereby billions and billions of dollars (and Congress is today being presented with requests for more) of the US citizens' hard-earned wages are poured into a black hole of corruption (the Iraqi govenment, which dares not to venture beyond the refines of the Green Zone in Baghdad), if "kicking ass" is targeting civilian structures with military hardware, then George Bush proves that he indeed reunites the worst qualities of the cowboy clown-statesman the world feared back in 2000.
There was also a CNN article posted about Bush's mind-blowing statement, but the best part were the comments on that page. Who's the horse's ass now?
If "kicking ass" means thousands of innocent people are dying because of his greed, then we must be kicking ass.
Posted By Ace, Orange Count California : September 6, 2007 5:38 pm
I'm glad to hear that the President is so down to earth and can tell it like it is.
Posted By Jarred, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma : September 6, 2007 5:38 pm
He's the president of the most powerful nation on Earth and he says, "We're kicking ass," like he's talking about a Texas high school football team.
Posted By Logan, Huntington, WV : September 6, 2007 5:38 pm
Another crude comment from a fool cowboy who causes other people to die, but who can't even prove he served his time in the military!
Posted By Ross, Manlius, NY : September 6, 2007 5:38 pm
Really? How many Troops have died in this senseless war again?
Posted By Becky, Euless, TX : September 6, 2007 5:41 pm
Whose ass? The American peoples'?
Posted By bvt, Elko, Nevada : September 6, 2007 5:41 pm
"We're kicking ass,", "Fantastic Freedom Institute" and "replenish ol' coffers". Can he get any more adolescent?
Posted By Arkay, Detrot, MI : September 6, 2007 5:41 pm
and people wonder why the US is not taken seriously in the world, when our 'leader' is making statements that sound like something out of a bad action movie. He's not the brightest guy.
Posted By John, Green Bay Wisconsin : September 6, 2007 5:44 pm
Very classy, Mr. President. We need less tough talking cowboy hyperbole and more reason and logic in your approach to this mess you have created.
Posted By Mark, Holmen, Wisconsin : September 6, 2007 5:45 pm
No, Mr. President. We are not "kicking ass" in Iraq. Only a moron would make a comment like this. I rest my point.
Posted By Josh Maloney, Oakland, CA : September 6, 2007 5:51 pm
Did we hear that right, George? "Kicking ass?"
Our men and women certainly have had successes, but your deceitful and toxic policies are to blame for the thousands of dead and wounded that were sent their because of your lies. And let's not forgot what you have done to Iraq and its citizens–hundreds of thousands dead and wounded, millions displaced, sectarian violence that is reminiscent of the Middle Ages. Childhoods robbed and lives forever altered because you like to "Kick Ass."
Kicking ass, indeed! What a misguided simpleton we have as president. My fingers won't allow me to even spell president (this one anyway) with a capital p. W, you are disgraceful.
Jim Arnold
Posted By Jim Arnold, Germantown, TN : September 6, 2007 5:51 pm
There's that cowboy we all love so much.
Kicking who's ass, exactly? The American taxpayer's ass?
Posted By Kris, Toronto : September 6, 2007 5:52 pm
Would like to say I am surprised … but I am not. This has to be the most foolish president in the history of the United States.
Posted By Hank, Palm Springs, CA : September 6, 2007 5:52 pm
woohoo Go Army, Airforce, Navy & Marines!
Posted By Badonkadonk, Houston, Texas : September 6, 2007 6:00 pm
President Bush is out of control and continues to be completely oblivious to the facts, i.e., the NIE report, the GAO report, reporters on the ground in Iraq, etc. At some point, he needs to be held accountable for his continued incompetence and refusal to be truthful with himself and the American people. His behavior is unacceptable.
Posted By john p breen, freeport, new york : September 6, 2007 6:09 pm
Well it looks like we won't have to wait for Gen. Petraeus' report since Bush has already announced "we're kicking ass".
Posted By Farrell, Houston, Tx : September 6, 2007 6:09 pm
Another completely insensitive, inappropriate and inaccurate comment from our incompetent and insane leader.
Were we kicking ass when some of our people shot up a bunch of Iraqi women, and children? Are we kicking ass when we torture prisoners? Are we kicking ass when the government we set up is half gone?
Someone should kick Bush's ass. If given the opportunity, I would be first in line.
Posted By Clint, Menlo Park, CA : September 6, 2007 6:10 pm
Go CNN viewers! I'm afraid that is what THE WORLD thinks of YOUR whiny little brat, oversight-pussy, cowardly and dimw-itted "war president." [Yeah, mine too...] 'Not like frightened afraid, just a bit worried; You know?
Okay man, scared like a turtle, whatever. Congress should censure Bush for the frat-boy drunken cliche-babble in Australia; and then, maybe pass a law that Georgie's "grounded" for the rest of his term. No more traveling, no more representing the U.S.A., no more embarrassing us, no more speeches... Yadda. Yadda... yadda, Herb.
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