Oppression IS Freedom... Amen.
Check it out: [Rumsfeld-regress: Germany '33]
Or Spain 1939, Stalin's USSR, or... 1984?
"It's all Back-werds, how far ye' wanna go?" Seriously, Herb. (credit, to AMERICAblog)
Or Spain 1939, Stalin's USSR, or... 1984?
"It's all Back-werds, how far ye' wanna go?" Seriously, Herb. (credit, to AMERICAblog)

Did you know that the European Union is investigating Spain regarding whether or not they allowed the US to use their airport as a transfer hub for prisoners that are going to be tortured? At least someone there will be held accountable for assisting the US to torture people. Isn't it funny how Bush keeps on saying that we are protecting freedom? By not prosecuting people responsible for torturing prisoners that were seized illegally (Rummy and Wolfy) we are blatantly abusing our own rights for protection against thugs that don't respect the law (International law should be recognized as our law Rummy)!
What freedom do we have here? I can't bring my coat in to restaurants because of security reasons (What, do I have a bomb under my coat? I guess they restrict you from wearing any thing that could conceal a bomb belt or weapon. What freedom? I can't go ice skating in Central Park without being frisked! My wife attempts to go through security at the airport and they feel around her breast! What freedom? They don't do that in New Zealand unless the US insist that they should!).
I hope that you are reading this Herb. I need some recognition here!
Touche', t-bone...
You should getta blog o' your own.
We feel the same frustrations here in America. Good to know I got a Newzealander amongst my mostly spamm(what happened to that?) spewing readers. Keep coming back, commenting. Herb.
WEBMASTER WARNING: if the t-boner uses the "b" word again, he'll be permanently banned from the internets. All of them. ("What, do I have a b*mb...")
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