"Loose Lips Sink Ships?" Bush & Cheney, Big-Time LEAKERS... And Liars, & Hypocrites (NYT)

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney authorized Cheney's top aide to launch a counterattack of leaks against administration critics on Iraq by feeding intelligence information to reporters, according to court papers citing the aide's testimony in the CIA leak case.Before, and since the invasion of Iraq, Bush and Cheney lied... repeatedly. They used designated deceivers. They delegated deception as a matter of course.
(T)he vice president was trying to use Plame's CIA employment to discredit her husband, administration critic Joseph Wilson. Cheney, according to an indictment against Libby, knew that Wilson's wife worked at the CIA as early as June 12, 2003, more than a month before that fact turned up in a column by Robert Novak.
In 2003, when the public furor erupted over the disclosure of a CIA operative's status, Bush said he wanted to get to the bottom of the affair. "I want to know the truth," he said at the time.
Libby's testimony puts the president and the vice president in the awkward position of authorizing leaks. Both men have long said they abhor such practices, so much so that the administration has put in motion criminal investigations at their behest to hunt down leakers.
They shamelessly USED Congress and the press, and misinformed the public... Not surprisingly, it was President Cheney's idea, and Bush approved...
Worst President, EVER!
Not surprised, Herb.
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